Saturday, August 13, 2011

Posted by jinson on 3:13 PM No comments

Antonia is taking full control over Marnie’s body, and now sharp fangs biggest fear just arrives. On the last week episode, we have seen a taste of Antonia’s revenge and tell you what trubies, that was not all she got, she had more than that, enough to destroy to whole vampire’s clan. He power is as strong as the old mountain standing, her determination is enough to tell that she is harder that how her face looks like, and her anger hidden on her spirit is as deadly as blazing sun vampire’s most hated word. With Tara and other vampire’s haters on her side, she is more than stronger that the day she started talking about her revenge.

How will the vampire’s defeat her then? Could their sharp fangs and thirst for blood enough to put Antonia back to her grave, or this time, the laugh will no longer at the side of the vampire’s? And ended with Jessica who looks happy when she successfully sees the sunlight embracing her skin, what will be the next bloody episode of True Blood?

Will it center the death of Jessica, or Jason made his way to save her to the last minute? Watch True Blood Season 4 Episode 8: Spellbound online and together let’s see what this episode got on its sleeve. What are the new exciting things we need to see, who will make the unforgettable bite or whim of hand.

With a title of Spellbound, this newest episode is set to come straight to our tv screens this Sunday, August 14, 2011. It deals with Bill and Marnie who get ready for an open confrontation. The King secures the loyalty of Sookie and Eric while Jason is conflicted emotionally. A spirit manipulates Lafayette for its own purposes and Sam must deal with Marcus who just happens to be Luna's ex.

This is ended a very exciting episode, so don’t just stand there but watch True Blood Season 4 Episode 8: Spellbound upon its air date truebies.


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